*Addie had a highlight for the summer. Last week at my parents ward party at the pool she wanted to go off the diving board! (Scary moment for mom) She walked out on the end, got nervous and walked back off. She said she wanted me to go first. I bravely walked out onto the diving board and jumped off. She did the same. It was amazing! We could not keep her off of it for the last half hour the pool was open.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Addie's First Day Of Preschool...again
*Addie had a highlight for the summer. Last week at my parents ward party at the pool she wanted to go off the diving board! (Scary moment for mom) She walked out on the end, got nervous and walked back off. She said she wanted me to go first. I bravely walked out onto the diving board and jumped off. She did the same. It was amazing! We could not keep her off of it for the last half hour the pool was open.
3 Years

Grayson's Favorite things:
Anything sweet
Mom still (thank goodness)
Hot dogs
The Sandbox
Six Months Old

He is such a calm baby and is always smiling.
His favorites include:Food of course and lots of it.
The Bathtub
His Sister and Brother
His Dad's "Rocket ship"
He is doing great at the army crawl and is getting rug burns on his elbows from scooting on them. We are not quite sure if we are ready for the crawling. It just means he is growing up way too quickly.

Monday, August 3, 2009
Oquirruh Mountain Temple
Last Thursday we had the great opportunity to go to the Oquirruh Mountain Temple Open -house. It was so beautiful and our kids did amazing considering the lines.
Graysons favorite part was the "cows" or baptismal font. He didn't want to leave that area.
We were also fortunate to shake hands with Elder Russell M. Nelson. As we were walking through the Chapel the usher stoped the group behind us and we were the last ones in our group and I heard the Usher say to the other usher that they need to hold up the line because Elder Nelson was bringing his family into the chapel and when I turned around I saw him a couple people back so I stopped Ryan and we were able to shake his hand. It was the highlight of my night.
That temple is amazing and I am so glad I had the chance to take my children to see inside.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lost Child
Wow it's been so long I forgot how to blog.
I've got a funny story.
Ryan had a softball game tonight and at the complex they have what they call a playground for the kids but I like to refer to it as a kidnappers paridise. Anyway I have learned to dress my kids in clothes that are easy to identify so I can keep track of them while they play and I watch the game.
Well tonight I had gotten 2 otter pops and told Addie to take one to Grayson, well a few minutes latter she comes back still carring Grayson's otter pop and so I ask where Gray is. She said she wasn't sure so I instantly start looking. I have her go to the playground one more time and I start walking around the building in the center when I hear this....
Holy embarrasing. So I go up stairs and there is Grayson standing on the table looking out the big window watching Ryan's game!
They might as well given me a big orange flag that said "warning bad mom" everyone was giving me some good looks the rest of the evening. Next week he's wearing a white shirt.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pictures of Gordon
For a gift my sister set me up with a sitting with her photographer to take some newborn pictures of Gordon and she just posted them on her photography blog today. They are so cute. To check them out go to www.amandasimages.blogspot.com
This girl is amazing!
Thanks Julie and Amanda
This girl is amazing!
Thanks Julie and Amanda
Friday, February 20, 2009
Any other ideas?
Today as I was trying to get lunch together Grayson thought he needed to yell everything he wanted to say and I kept asking him nicely to please stop yelling. After the nice wore off I told him if he didn't stop we were going to wash his mouth out with soap. He left the room and when I went to go find him he was in the bathroom like this...........
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Gordon Scott Wilson
He's Here!!!
Gordon was born at noon on Saturday. He weighed in at 8lbs 13oz and 21 inches tall. It was so much fun to have the gender be a surprise and I would recommend it to anyone. 

Mom, Gordon and Dad after delivery.
Addie and Grayson were able to see him before they took him to give him a bath and clean him up. It was so fun to see their faces as they saw him for the first time. Addie loves to hold Gordon and said yesterday "I'm glad we had a little brother."
Grayson and Gordon.
Whenever he hears him cry Grayson runs to him and says "It ok little buddy" over and over and over.

We are glad to be home and we are all doing well, and we are so thankful for the safe arrival of this new addition.
Friday, January 30, 2009
We did it!!!
Three weeks ago I made the decision to try potty training Grayson. I had planned to dedicate three days to it. This means no leaving the house, no pull-up's, no diapers. I set the timer for 30 min and we would go try. He loves books so we Incorporated reading while he sat on the potty. By day #3 he had a whole 3 stickers on his potty chart and I had wondered what I had started. Then day #4 (Thursday) came and we had nothing planned so I thought one more day. Two accidents in the morning and then something must have clicked, he went from noon on Thursday to Sunday morning with no accidents! And now three weeks later I can't even remember how many days we have gone. And he has stayed dry at night for over a week and a half.
I let him pick out a new package of underwear at the store and he chose dinosaurs. The day we bought them he had put on a new pair each time he went potty and would carry all the other ones all over with him.
Good Job Grayson
Monday, January 26, 2009
What do you do....
So yesterday morning we were getting ready for church and Addie and I had already had a disagreement on the dress she should wear. She loves her polka-dot easter dress (from two years ago) that is a bit on the short side now, but I let her wear it one more time. That's not the worst part. I was in our bathroom doing my hair and when I walked out I saw that the door to the other bathroom was closed. I immediately knew why... she opened the door and had the biggest, proudest smile on her face. Yes, she had done her own hair. She sprayed it with the squirt bottle and then brushed it out. With her curly hair you can only imagine what it looked like brushed out. "I did my own hair mom"..... What do you do? Ryan and I looked at each other and we were not sure what to do.
Well I let her go to church that way and I grit my teeth the whole day. And I had forgotten that in Primary they were going to spotlight Addie Wilson's Family!!! So you can imagine what her hair looked like the last 15 minutes of a 3 hour block of church when they did the spotlight and we both got to stand up in front of everybody. But all in all the sun still came up this morning. So let them be little...I guess.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tubing at Soldier Hollow
We had the opportunity to go experience the tube runs at Soldier Hollow near Heber on Saturday. If any of you have ever wondered about trying this... you NEED to. It's the coolest thing.
So if you look to the left of the picture you can see the row of tubes being pulled up the hill. Yes you sit in your tube and get pulled up. No walking up the hill involved. And then you choose the run of your choice to go down and away you go. Okay, so I did not get to try it. I gave up my pass to Grayson who was "too young." But it looked so fun and it is defiantly on my list of things to do next winter.
Dinosaur Museum
On New Year's Eve we ventured up to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. The kids loved it!
It's a good thing we had Grayson with us. He would let us know which ones were mean and which ones were the nice ones.
And who doesn't love a family picture when your pregnant?
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Ryan and Christmas Eve
Ryan's birthday is the 24th so we had a fun day celebrating him. The kids and I decorated the living room with streamers and balloons while he got to stay in bed late. Then we had birthday pancakes (Ryan even got a candle in his) We got to go to lunch together without the kids. Then we hit the slopes again for some sledding fun and returned home just in time to have family over for cake and ice cream.
Happy Birthday Dad, we love you..JPG)
After the celebration the kids opened the traditional Christmas Eve present... pajamas.This year my mom helped me make them and they turned out so so so cute. We made top and bottom for both kids and pajama pants for Ryan and I. My mom even surprised us with a present for the new baby and inside it she had made a pair of p.j's for the baby.
First Snow
This post is rathher late but when you have a husband home 24 hours a day for two weeks and the Holiday spirit the last place I want to be is sitting in front of the computer. A couple of weeks ago we got the first real snow fall (the one that really puts down the snow) So we HAD to hit the local sledding hill.
It was around 8:00 at night when we finally got home and got all dressed up. It was perfect, and the kids loved every minute of it.
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