Three weeks ago I made the decision to try potty training Grayson. I had planned to dedicate three days to it. This means no leaving the house, no pull-up's, no diapers. I set the timer for 30 min and we would go try. He loves books so we Incorporated reading while he sat on the potty. By day #3 he had a whole 3 stickers on his potty chart and I had wondered what I had started. Then day #4 (Thursday) came and we had nothing planned so I thought one more day. Two accidents in the morning and then something must have clicked, he went from noon on Thursday to Sunday morning with no accidents! And now three weeks later I can't even remember how many days we have gone. And he has stayed dry at night for over a week and a half.
I let him pick out a new package of underwear at the store and he chose dinosaurs. The day we bought them he had put on a new pair each time he went potty and would carry all the other ones all over with him.
Good Job Grayson