Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Training Wheels.... Who needs them

A few weeks ago I was visiting with a neighbor and Addie had came with me to play with some friends. All the sudden she was riding someone elses' bike and it was then I noticed it did not have training wheels. I was so amazed. I first told her to be careful, then I ran and got Ryan and the camera.
Ever since that she always wants to go to their house and ride their bike, wicth they were fine with. I would ask her if she wanted her training wheels off and she would say "not until I am four." The other day her training wheel kinda fell apart. It was still usable but made an awful sound when she leaned to that side. I finally convinced her to take them off so she could show everybody at Graysons birthday. She thought that was a wonderful idea and even helped take them off herself. She did great. After a few minutes she was coming down the sidewalk with her feet off the pedals, straight out to the side saying "I don't even need my feet." Crazy girl.

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