Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No, Not the Blanket

I came across this picture and thought it was so cute. Grayson has a favorite green fuzzy blanket with elephants on it that he has loved since birth. He sleeps with it and usually has it somewhere in sight as he plays. Well as you all know favorite blankets do have to be washed from time to time. I try really hard to sneak it away and get it in the washer without him noticing. One day I forgot to put it in the dryer right when it was done washing, and sadly it was still drying when he wanted to take a nap. He walked all over the house looking for "banety". It was so funny in a sad sort of way. I finally told him that it was in the dryer because it needed to be washed. So he headed to the dryer and sobbed. He would try to open the dryer but couldn't quite get it. After a few minutes I got his blanket out, still a wee damp and he went to sleep.


Tina said...

Oh, I can so relate to that one. I have a picture of Jacob watching his blanket go around and around and his face is plastered to the washer window. I can't believe he slept with it still damp. Crazy.

shellyray said...

What the heck! You guys have a blog! I found it by looking at my sitemeter. Haha, it's all good. I'm so glad you guys started one. It was fun going to the park a couple of times with you this summer. We definetly need to get together again soon.