Friday, October 17, 2008

Addie's Birthday Party

We had Addie's Addie's Birthday Party for her friends yesterday morning. Holy cow...chaos! It was something else. When the friends arrived we made ghosts out of white material and suckers, then played the game where you tie a balloon around your ankle and try to be the last one without you balloon popped. It was a fun idea, but Addie hates popping balloons, and threw quite a fit.
Then we had cake and ice cream. Again I let my daughter pick her cake out of a book with lots of fun cakes, and which one did she choose..... a spider web! Who wants a cute pink cake anyways. The cake was super cute. For once I was proud of my cake.

Then we had a sawdust dig in place of a pinata. It was such a fun party. She has been playing in her room for hours with her fun gifts.


Natalie said...

Very cute cake Emilee! Kids always have to have the craziest cakes.
The party looked like fun! I bet those kids had a ball!!

shellyray said...

Hey Emilee! We've gone private. Send me you email address so I can invite you., Michelle.